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#DirtyDeal | Resource Guide

A compilation of the emerging resources in this evolving campaign



Our shared purpose

Our community must unite to urge Congress to stop this dirty pipeline deal, fight to protect our voices, and give us a chance at ensuring our communities are put first instead of giving fossil fuel CEOs a fast track to do whatever they want while we pay the price. 


Defining success

We stand united to defeat this dirty deal and pass the Environmental Justice For All Act.


What we know about the deal

The original document was posted on Manchin’s website. API-watermarked leaked bill text


Initial analysis provided by the environmental community.


Analysis by the People vs Fossil Fuels coalition.


Analysis on how this deal will not benefit renewable energy or transmission.


WEACT webinar highlighting EJ concerns about this deal.


Fact Sheet | The IRA & the Dirty Deal


Analysis on how this deal will impact mining.


Analysis on how the IRA may save fossil fuels.


How to talk about this deal


Main messaging document from the Combined Defense Project


You may also want to look at the toolkits provided by People vs Fossil Fuels and Earthworks.


Polling results showing opposition to the bill across parties. 


Current actions you can take: 

- Call your representative in congress & the senate and tell them to oppose this deal

- Post & Share on social media, and target representatives on our list (all the resources and toolkits linked at the bottom of this page)


Below is a script that can be used to call and leave a message or email your representatives:


Hello! My name is [insert name] and I'm [insert title] with [insert name of organization or community you are a part of]. 


I'm calling because today Joe Manchin introduced a bill to fast-track pipelines and other fossil fuel projects and cut out environmental review and community engagement. This will be a disaster for [insert name of community or broadly state low-income, Indigenous & BIPOC communities] who struggle with adverse health harms related to fossil fuel pollution. 


I am asking you to oppose this bill, which will make it harder for my community and our local government to make important decisions about projects where we live. In addition, this bill must be considered on its own merits and not attached to must-pass legislation to keep the government in operation. 


What is [insert name of Member of Congress] position on Senator Manchin’s bill? Can I count on [him/her/them] to vote no on this dirty and dangerous deal?


Phone:  1-202-224-3121


Past Action: 

Congressional sign-on letter | If you are able to, please reach out to House congressional offices asking them to sign on to Rep. Grijalva’s “Dear Colleague” opposing the bill and asking to pass the EJ for All Act instead. The deadline to sign onto this letter is COB Friday, September 9th. 


Sign on Letter | Opposing Polluter Permitting Bill + Highlighting the Environmental Justice for All Act


Sign on Letter | Opposing this dirty deal from a primarily Western U.S. issues/groups perspective

Recruit people to the Sept 8th rally “Appalachian Resistance Comes to DC”

Write to your member of Congress | People vs Fossil Fuels


Sign on Letter | Oppose the Mountain Valley Pipeline Side Deal Harming Endangered Species

People vs Fossil Fuels | Over 650 Groups Call on Congressional Leaders to Reject This Dirty Deal


Op-eds & Notable Media Hits

The Hill | Weakening environmental safeguards won’t help renewable energy

Newsweek | Watch Out! Here Comes the Climate Deal's Other Shoe

WaPo | Surrounded by fossil fuels, they fear climate bill leaves them behind

Inside Philanthropy Philanthropy Should Help Close the Climate Justice Gaps in IRA

The Nation | Here's What's Wrong with Machin's Side Deal to the Inflation Reduction Act




PODER (People Organized in Defense of Earth and Her Resources) is a women led, people of color grassroots social justice organization formed in 1991 to increase the participation of residents of East Austin in decisions related to the economic development and environmental protection of our communities. Our mission is to redefine environmental issues as social and economic justice issues, and collectively set our own agenda to address these concerns as basic human rights.  We seek to empower our communities through education, advocacy and action.  

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